Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Sports And Its Effect On The Audience - 1320 Words
Art is portrayed and witnessed from the moment we wake up, to the moment we sleep. Most people define art as an expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a painting or sculpture. However, most argue that art isn t just limited to a painting or sculpture, but can also be shown in sports. Not only are both artist and athletes, passionate about their work, but their work is similar also. Basketball is similar to jazz music through chemistry, Boxing and Calligraphy are similar through the form and techniques, Football and ballet dance relatez through techniques and style, while soccer and painting has a effect on the audience. Sports is an art because of the many similarities that they share. Jazz music and Basketball are related through chemistry. A Jazz band can t expect to walk out on stage and perform perfectly, just like how a basketball team can’t just walk on the court and expect to win the game. However, the best bands and basketball t eams are the best because of the chemistry they have formed. Despite being on a team or in a group, there will always be one player or one musician that is talented than others. These stars make the team or group better as they pick up one another. A superstar basketball player helps build up his teammates and improve them so they can be better players. This goes for the same for jazz musicians because they improve their members by keeping them in tone, which generally makes the whole pieceShow MoreRelatedMedia Coverage of Sports, Questions and Answers894 Words  | 4 PagesQuestion #1: Step-by-step analysis of mediated sport â€Å"Magazines are different from other forms of media in their ‘exceptional’ capacity to shape social life†(Kennedy Hills, 2009 p. 96 para.3). This statement encapsulates the drive and focus of magazine media; by focusing on the current issues to help form the values, norms and beliefs of the readers. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Anthropology Human and Natural Selection Free Essays
The chapter 2 in the textbook â€Å"Cultural Anthropology†mentions about the reflection in culture of nonhuman primates onto human’s one. In this chapter, I really impress about the idea â€Å"natural selection†. â€Å"Natural selection is the process by which organism better adapt to the environment reproduce more effectively compared with less well-adapted forms†(â€Å"The evolution of humanity and culture†) The â€Å"natural selection†, for me, is the best explanation for the difference between our modern humans and nonhuman primates. We will write a custom essay sample on Anthropology: Human and Natural Selection or any similar topic only for you Order Now From the beginning, every nonhuman species, including humans, had a common root. However, because of the difference sources of food, they changed their body structures (teeth, intestine) to adapt to their dietary needs. For example, frugivores eat fruits, so their big front teeth make them easily bite foods. On the other hand, folivores have the very strong chewing teeth to help them break leaves into small pieces, easily to digest because of their richness of cellulose chemical. In the article â€Å"Ancient Genes and Modern Health†written by S. Boyd Eaton and Melvin Konner, they also talk about the concept of â€Å"natural selection†in another way. They discuss about the change in height of ancient human compared to modern humans. According to them, the height of humans changed because of the decrease of protein intake in their dietary pattern. About 30,000 years ago, the average height of men is about 5’9 (177. 1cm), women 5’5 (166. 5cm); compared to modern human nowadays, men average 5’8 (174. 4cm), women 5’4 (163. 4cm). In my opinion, this decrease in height is also a kind of â€Å"natural selection†. Before, human food mostly obtained by foraging. All foods were absolutely savage. They contained higher protein. The more agriculture developed, the less the protein intake in the animal meat was. Therefore, humans obtained less daily protein than before. After generations, the human genes tend to â€Å"evolute†to adapt to the new daily protein needs. The new genes made human body structures get smaller. As the result, with smaller bodies, humans needed less protein to maintain the daily activities. In this case, â€Å"natural selection†represents as a primary role in human body form. Next, another idea which I really like is the female role in the ancient sociality. As I mentioned earlier, when human didn’t know anything about agriculture, their food were mostly obtained by foraging. Most women went garaging, while men went hunting. However, because of the limit of hunting weapons, the hunting foods were not enough for the whole sociality. Therefore, women, who the ones gave majority of food, had power in the community. I think by the time women got power, the world was more peaceful. No war, no death, no tear. I believe that the world would be much better in the future if women, again, have the power, have a strong influence in the politic manner on the world. How to cite Anthropology: Human and Natural Selection, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Backbiting in Islam free essay sample
Backbiting, according to Oxford Dictionary is â€Å"Malicious talk about someone who is not present. †It originated from the improper attack from the back in the sport of bearbaiting(1). The word in Arabic is pronounced as â€Å"Ghibah. †Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) defined Gibah as â€Å"Your mentioning your brother with something about him that he dislikes. †Islam considers backbiting as one of the major sins that a muslim person must not commit (2). This paper will cover reasons why it is prohibited, causes, backbiting non muslims, cure, and cases in which backbiting is permissible. Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) once said, to signify the wrongfulness of backbiting: â€Å"Whoever backbites a Muslim spoils his fasts and breaks his wudu, and shall come on the Day of Resurrection with his mouths stench more putrid than a carcass If he dies before repenting, his death is like that of one who dies while considering permissible that which is prohibited by God (3). We will write a custom essay sample on Backbiting in Islam or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page †There are two main reasons why Islam prohibits backbiting: 1. Islam prohibits backbiting because it emphasizes on protecting peoples rights and feelings. Gibah could violates peoples rights and hurt their feelings; therefore, it is a serious sin. 2. Because of the fact that it is easy to commit, people usually disregard it and might feel that it is insignificant (2). Listening to backbiting is also considered a sin and sometimes the listener might be considered as a sinner a well, being in the same position of the backbiter. The messenger (PBUH) said in regards to that that â€Å"the listener is one of the two backbiters. †A person could be more sinful if he expresses his interest in the backbiter’s talk. In other words, saying something like â€Å"wow,†â€Å"Astaghfirullah†or â€Å"I didn’t know he would do such a thing†means that the listener is encouraging the backbiter to add something more (3). Causes People backbite each other for plenty of reasons. Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali mentions in his book â€Å"Revival of Religious Sciences†several reasons why a person would backbite. One of the reasons is revenge, a person will gain satisfaction when he/she backbites someone since he avenged him or herself. Another reason is the influence of the people around the person. People sometimes feel pressured by their friends and sometimes the only way to fit in with the group is through participating in whatever that group is. Al-Ghazali also stated that some people have a desire to praise themselves through belittling others. In the same way, someone might bad-mouth another person out of jealousy (4). Joking and mockery is also a reason why people would backbite,and in regards to that Allah says in the Quran â€Å"O you who have believed, neither should men mock other men, it may be that these are better than they; nor should women mock other women, it may be that these are better than they It is an evil thing to be called by a bad name after faith. Those who fail to avoid this are wrongdoers.. †(Surah Al-Hujurat 49:11). Backbiting Non-Muslims It is generally discouraged in Islam because one characteristic of a good muslim is not to speak rudely or bad-mouth people. The prophet (PBUH) said: â€Å"The Muslim does not slander, curse, speak obscenely or speak rudely. †. However, Islam has a detailed ruling on backbiting the non-muslims. It can be divided into two cases or scenarios. The first type of backbiting non-muslims is one in which a person mentions the physical flaws of a another person such as having big ears or long nose. This is type is prohibited because your mockery of someone’s appearance is considered as if you’re making fun of Allah’s creation. The second of type of backbiting non-muslims is when you talk about his bad habits or behavior such as drinking alcohol or adultery. A lot of muslim scholars agree that there is nothing wrong with that if your intention is to warn people against him (5). Some muslim scholars talked about more specific cases regarding the backbiting of non-muslims. Zakaryia Al-Ansari, a leading Islamic scholar of the 15th century, said that it is prohibited backbite the non-muslim if he is dhimmi. 1 His reasoning is that it will put him off from accepting jizyah. 2 He backs up his reasoning by mentioning the Hadith of the prophet (PBUH) in which he said â€Å"Whoever makes a snide comment to a dhimmi has earned Hell. †Imam Al-Ghazali said that backbiting the dhimmi is forbidden because he is like the muslim â€Å"as far as not harming him is concerned. If the non-muslim is a harbi3, Al-Ansari said that it is permissible to backbite a harbi and he backs it by mentioning what happened when the messenger (PBUH) used to command one of his companions to satirize the mushrikeen4(5). Cases Where Backbiting is Permissible For every rule in Islam, there are exceptions and there are many cases where Islam allows backbiting(4). These Cases are: 1. unjustness. A person who suffered from injustice is allowed to mention the name of the person who committed injustice to someone who is capable of restoring his rights to him like a judge or a ruler of a city. If your intention is to change evil things or to prevent a person from committing a sin. If the intention is not to change evil, then ghibah is not permissible. 3. If you’re asking about a ruling on a point in Islam(Fatwa), then you may say that your brother, father, or wife has done such and such and you would like to know the ruling on that action. However, Islam encourages people to avoid mentioning names. The question can formulated as What is the verdict regarding a person who has done such-and-such? 4. If your intention is to warn people about the wrongdoing of a person. For example, it is permissible to warn people about a merchant who cheat people by selling them defective products. It is also permissible to reveal the faults of a person to someone who is asking you to evaluate that person whom the former is thinking of marrying. A legitimate evidence for is when Fatimah bint Qays when the prophet (PBUH) and asked him about two men who had proposed to her. He said As for Mu`awiyah, he is a poor man with no money, and as for Abu Jahm, his stick never leaves his shoulder. [Bukhari, Muslim, Malik]. It is permissible to perform ghibah if a person commits sins in front of people and does not have any qualms about his sins. However, It is prohibited to mention any of his secret sins. There can be no backbiting of one who casts off the mantle of modesty. 5 [Suyuti, Al-Jami` As-Saghir, 2/519, from Bayhaqi. ] Expiation A backbiter violates two infringements in Islam. One is the limits of Allah which must expiated by sincere regret and seeking forgiveness from Allah. A number of fatwas say that the backbiter must praise the person whom he backbit in his absence. The second infringement is in regards to people’s rights. The sin can only be expiated if person affected by ghibah forgives and pardons the backbiter. The messenger (PBUH) said that â€Å"Whoever has wronged his brother with regard to his honour or something, let him ask him for forgiveness before the time when there will be neither dinar nor dirham, and if he has any good deeds it will be taken from him in proportion to the wrong he did, and if he does not have any hasanat (good deeds), some of the other persons sayyiat (evil deeds) will be taken and given to him to bear. â€
Sunday, December 1, 2019
My Good Friend, Willy Shakes free essay sample
I am a literature nerd – were like math geeks but without the lucrative career options. I collect books like North Korea collects nuclear weapons, like the United States collects debt, like Tiger Woods collects women. I am the bookworm to whom English teachers automatically look during awkward lulls in class discussions. My literature addiction is the primary reason for my messy room: J.D. Salinger and Herman Melville have taken up residence in my dresser drawers, forcing my clothes onto the floor. I am the girl bookstore employees greet by name, the girl who will trade her lunch money for the newest David Sedaris book, and the girl who is ineffably excited about spending the next four years studying English. But, unlike your typical bookworm, I have been hiding a secret shame: I abhor William Shakespeare, the beef of literature stew. I realize that saying you want to major in English but hate Shakespeare is as blasphemous as saying you are a Christian but hate Jesus. We will write a custom essay sample on My Good Friend, Willy Shakes or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But, you see, I do not understand the Bard and his language. Frankly, he makes me feel stupid. And to further my feelings of inferiority, there are Shakespeare proselytes everywhere spewing quotes with elitism so thick, they are one Othello reference away from choking on their own egos. I think its the footnotes that really kill me. Open any edition of â€Å"Romeo and Juliet,†and you are inundated with footnote after footnote. And theyre all necessary for understanding the text. Every pun, turn of phrase, and reference must be explained or I will completely misinterpret it, which is aggravating, since I like to consider myself literate. I was hesitant when I discovered my AP literature teacher is a quintessential Shakespeare groupie who believes that asking students to name the act, scene, importance, and speaker of a multitude of insignificant quotes is a perfect assessment for understanding Shakespeares plays. My apprehension should have been relieved when I received the highest grade on the â€Å"Macbeth†test, but my joy was tempered by the fact that I had scored a 64. My entire class failed; I had just failed the least. Thanks to high grades on essays and an extra-credit project, my hard-earned GPA was not in danger. My pride, however, was. Throughout high school, I have struggled with William Shakespeare. He has been a cloud looming over my head, constantly haunting me and threatening my future collegiate career. Honestly, his â€Å"thees†and â€Å"thous†and â€Å"wherefores†doth make me want to punch him in thy face. But assuming punching a skeleton in the face is neither socially acceptable nor particularly satisfying, I decided I was finally going to conquer Shakespeare and his perplexing puns in time for the upcoming â€Å"Hamlet†test. In true nerd fashion, I immersed myself in Shakespeare. I read between classes, in the bathtub, and at stop lights. I made flash cards and scribbled annotations. Im not sure precisely how this metamorphosis came about – perhaps it was due to the delirium of lack of sleep and human contact – but I found myself enjoying Shakespeares most heralded play. I became enamored with iambic pentameter. I found that beneath the dense language, â€Å"Hamlet†actually has all of the  elements of literature I covet: teen angst, metaphysical struggles, potential for psychoanalytic and feminist analyses, and drama. But, perhaps most importantly, I was beginning to appreciate the style. I have always been more concerned with the themes and the messages underlying literature, but â€Å"Hamlet†was making me laugh at previously indecipherable puns, call my friends â€Å"fishmongers,†melt over eloquent soliloquies, and fall in love with words and wordplay. I received a hard-earned 92 on the â€Å"Hamlet†test, and my ego was saved. I am now a devoted Shakespeare fanatic. I revere his sonnets, his plays, and his genius. I am as excited about studying him and other literary greats as Republicans would be over legislation banning universal health care. Having such challenging tests and a literature teacher who refused to spoon-feed us Shakespeare has reaffirmed my work ethic. I am glad I did not quit or concede to a failure that seemed inevitable, but instead rose to the challenge and conquered one of my long-standing obstacles. I know that college will be filled with much more trying challenges, both academically and personally, but I know I will not back down from them either. Plus, I now have my good friend Willy Shakes to turn to when I need a laugh.
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