Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Crisis Of The Soviet Union - 3735 Words
Introduction Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States has been viewed as the single hegemonic power, dominating the world economically, militarily and culturally. However, it is clear that power relations in the global system have been severely tested after the events of September 11, 2001. It was a crucial event, which significantly changed the trajectory of the global balance of power and has an immediate effect on the United States, its Western Allies and other regions around the world.. As a matter of national security strategy, the main priority of the U.S. becomes the demonstration of its global primacy to all challengers and overthrowing of the status quo of the powers in the hostile regions, while the terror emerges as a widespread power utilization method of the weak in asymmetrical power balance. Although, before the terrorist attacks the process of globalization has already challenged the notion of sovereignty, however, 9/11 attacks has become a game changer in terms o f national security across the world. It also brought the need for the powerful states to cooperate more on intelligence, threat assessment and implementation of regulatory and management strategies. At the same time, the strong emphasis of the foreign policy of the United States on counter terrorism in the Islamic regions has challenged the status quo of some states in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia. This paper represents an analysis of the impact of the sustained U.S.Show MoreRelatedThe Crisis Of The Soviet Union1685 Words  | 7 PagesThis paper is attempting to look at the deeper financial and policy issues in which the country Ukraine faced during their financial crisis in 2008-09. The Ukraine faced a lot of economical and political challenges in recent years, in which their economy has plummeted drastically. Economic measurements such as GDP, unemployment, and average household incomes all were impacted in a negative way. Other factors, such as the Russian gas line, forced Ukrainian businesses to cut back on costs, furtherRead MoreThe Cuban Missile Crisis And The Soviet Union1062 Words  | 5 PagesDuring the Cuban Missile Crisis, the United States took a bold stand against the Soviet Union, Communism, and the installation of nuclear arms in Cuba. The Cuban Missile Crisis was a confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union that occurred between October 14 and October 28, 1962 (â€Å"Cuban Missile Crisis Timeline†). During the Cold War Era, tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union were already high because of the way that World War II ended. The Soviet Union’s decision toRead MoreThe Cuban Missile Crisis And The Soviet Union921 Words  | 4 PagesCuban Missile Crisis, a standoff between the Soviet Union and U.S. Could have possibly lead to an outbreak of a nuclear war. The dangerous outcome of the Cold War, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th President of the United States, took things into hi s own hands. The events during the crisis left Americans scared. How Kennedy accomplished everything may have been the best way to prevent an all out World War III. Coming out of the Cold War, the taut relationship that proceeded into the crisis and continuedRead MoreThe Cuban Missile Crisis And The Soviet Union1412 Words  | 6 PagesCuban Missile Crisis became the closest the world had ever been to nuclear war, resulting from growing tension in the Cold War between the United States (NATO) and the Soviet Union (Warsaw Pact). Cuba at the time also had ongoing conflict with the United States, after the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion in attempt to overthrow corrupt government leader Fidel Castro. The Soviet Union and Cuba’s newfound similar plights led to a partnership and the strategic positioning for the Soviet Union to implementRead MoreThe Cuban Missile Crisis During The Soviet Union1783 Words  | 8 PagesAmerica took initiative against the Soviet Union by placing medium range ballistic missiles in the Soviet Union s’ neighboring country, Turkey, in 1961. To counter this, the Soviet Union sent nuclear missiles of their own to Cuba, and once the United States of America discovered this, a standoff ensued called the Cuban Missile Crisis. Although it appears that the Cuban Missile Crisis further separated the United States and the Soviet Union, the years after the crisis showed a growth in trust betweenRead MoreThe Soviet Union During The Cuban Missile Crisis1978 Words  | 8 Pagesthe disharmony between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cuban missile crisis. The occurrence of the Cuban missile crisis remains the closest the world has ever come to nuclear war. The placement of Soviet nuclear weaponry on the island of Cuba in October 1962, sparked thirteen days in which the Cold war grew increasingly hotter as tensions between the two superpowers escalated. However, despite marking a turning point in US-Soviet relations it could be argued that Operation AnadyrRead MoreCuban Missile Crisis : A Ten Day Confrontation Between The United States And The Soviet Union 878 Words  | 4 Pages Will Fain Mr. Shea English 2 Honors 25 January 2016 Cuban Missile Crisis Essay The Cuban Missile Crisis was a thirteen day confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union in October of 1962. The stand off was over Soviet ballistic missiles deployed in Cuba. The Cuban Missile Crisis was the closest the Cold War ever came to a full out nuclear war. The event was broadcasted on television for the world to see causing a global panic, especially in America. John F. Kennedy announced thatRead MoreThe Cuban Missile Crisis During The United States1219 Words  | 5 PagesMissile Crisis In October of 1962 the U.S. entered a conflict called the Cuban Missile Crisis, which is arguably the closest the U.S. has ever come to nuclear war. The Cuban Missile Crisis was a 13-day conflict between the U.S. and the Soviet Union resulting from the placement of Soviet missiles in Cuba. The Cuban Missile Crisis was considered the climax of the Cold War, a period lasting from about 1947 to 1991, in which a political rivalry between Eastern and Western Allies surfaced. The Soviet UnionRead MoreAmerican History: Study Notes1649 Words  | 7 Pagesthat symbolized Reagans attitude toward the Soviet Union: confrontational. And this confrontational attitude, especially the proposed buildup of American military forces and the development of the Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars), forced the Soviet Union to counter these moves with their own economic expenditures. It was ultimately the attempt to keep up with American production and deployment of new military hardware that forced the Soviet Union into economic disaster leading to politicalRead MoreThe Cuban Missile Crisis Of 19621268 Words  | 6 PagesThe Cuban missile crisis of 1962 had put America and Canada in danger and had almost started a nuclear war. On October 15, 1962, an American spy plane took pictures of nuclear missiles being built in Cuba, these missiles were capable of hitting targets anywhere in the United States or Canada, these missiles belonged to the Soviet Union (Russia), and were too dangerous to be left alone. The missiles had been placed there after the failed mission of the Bay of Pigs, for protection. John F. Kennedy
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Wilhelm Reich and the Orgone Accumulator
Warning: misuse of the Orgone Accumulator may lead to symptoms of orgone overdose. Leave the vicinity of the accumulator and call the Doctor immediately! That would be the controversial Doctor Wilhelm Reich, father of orgone energy (also known as chi or ​life energy) and the science of ​orgonomy. Wilhelm Reich developed a metal-lined device named the Orgone Accumulator, believing that the box trapped orgone energy that he could harness in groundbreaking approaches towards psychiatry, medicine, the social sciences, biology and weather research. Discovery of Orgone Energy Wilhelm Reichs discovery of orgone began with his research of a physical bio-energy basis for Sigmund Freuds theories of neurosis in humans. Wilhelm Reich believed that traumatic experiences blocked the natural flow of life-energy in the body, leading to physical and mental disease. Wilhelm Reich concluded that the libidinal-energy that Freud discussed was the primordial-energy of life itself, connected to more than just sexuality. Orgone was everywhere and Reich measured this energy-in-motion over the surface of the earth. He even determined that its motion affected weather formation. Orgone Accumulator In 1940, Wilhelm Reich constructed the first device to accumulate orgone energy: a six-sided box constructed of alternating layers of organic materials (to attract the energy) and metallic materials (to radiate the energy toward the center of the box). Patients would sit inside the accumulator and absorb orgone energy through their skin and lungs. The accumulator had a healthy effect on blood and body tissue by improving the flow of life-energy and by releasing energy-blocks. The New Cult of Sex and Anarchy Not everyone liked the theories Wilhelm Reich suggested. Wilhelm Reichs work with cancer patients and the Orgone Accumulators received two very negative press articles. Journalist Mildred Brandy wrote both The New Cult of Sex and Anarchy and The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich. Soon after their publication, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) sent agent Charles Wood to investigate Wilhelm Reich and Reichs research center, Orgonon. Troubles with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration In 1954, the FDA issued a complaint about an injunction against Reich, charging that he had violated the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act by delivering misbranded and adulterated devices in interstate commerce and by making false and misleading claims. The FDA called the accumulators a sham and orgone-energy nonexistent. A judge issued an injunction that ordered all accumulators rented or owned by Reich and those working with him destroyed and all labeling referring to orgone-energy destroyed. Reich did not appear in person at the court proceedings, defending himself by letter. Two years later, Wilhelm Reich was in jail for contempt of the injunction, the conviction based on the actions of an associate who did not obey the injunction and still possessed an accumulator. Death On November 3, 1957, Wilhelm Reich died in his jail cell of heart failure. In his last will and testament, Wilhelm Reich ordered that his works be sealed for fifty years, in hopes that the world would someday be a place better to accept his wondrous machines. FBI Opinion Yes, the FBI does have a whole section on their website dedicated to Wilhelm Reich. This is what they had to say: This German immigrant described himself as the Associate Professor of Medical Psychology, Director of the Orgone Institute, President and research physician of the Wilhelm Reich Foundation, and discoverer of biological or life energy. A 1940 security investigation was begun to determine the extent of Reichs communist commitments. In 1947, a security investigation concluded that neither the Orgone Project nor any of its staff were engaged in subversive activities or were in violation of any statue within the jurisdiction of the FBI. In 1954 the U.S. Attorney General filed a complaint seeking permanent injunction to prevent interstate shipment of devices and literature distributed by Dr. Reichs group. That same year, Dr. Reich was arrested for a Contempt of Court for violation of the Attorney Generals injunction.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Lymphedema Free Essays
Lymphoma Lymphoma is known as lymphatic obstruction, this condition can and will cause fluid retention and tissue swelling. This is caused by a compromised lymphatic system. The 1st incident of lymphoma noted on the records was by Sir William Osler for William Mildly, an American physician, who described a case in 1892, though It was first described by Rudolf Birch In 1863. We will write a custom essay sample on Lymphedema or any similar topic only for you Order Now It Is also known as Mildly disease, None-Mildly-Image syndrome and hereditary lymphoma. In later years any other causes were found such as cancer surgery where nodes were removed resulting In the term secondary lymphoma. In the last few years with genetic testing we have found mixed deemed such as the person who has the genetic tendency for lymphoma but didn’t have It In childhood but who had trauma or surgery and developed It later In life, which Is a primary lymphoma patient with secondary causes Lymphoma Is something I have come well familiar with due to my boyfriend has primary Allemande. He was diagnosed -In 2007 but for 4 years no one knows what was wrong with him. Now that he has been diagnosed we are working to control the fluid and the growth. With his condition it has affected his left leg. This condition has changed his whole life. He had to change his diet, clothing, his fluid intake, travel and even his soap. This is a condition that he may have to live with the rest of his life. I say may b/c I believe there will be a cure or if not a cure and plan to protect this condition from taking over the body the way it does. With having Lymphoma you need to do therapy at least 3-5 days a week depends on what your Doctor puts you on. Therapy consist of massaging the lymph nodes starting from the neck to the shoulders to under the breast to the armpit down to the waist to groin to the inner to outside portion of the thighs and work your way down to the knee to the ankle. The progress is repeated starting from the ankle to the neck once you complete one side if the body you will start on the other side. Once the massage is complete for the whole body is now time to wrap the affected portion of the body (the leg) with bandages. The bandages are applied to retain reduction. There are efferent types are bandages one type is foam which works better for my boyfriend so he can bend is leg. When you are wrapped you are constricted to movement. I do believe with all the research taking place now there will be a cure or an evolution In the development or care and medicine. Thankful all for you time If you have any questions I will answer to the best of my ability and I also have websites and some brochures about the condition though it was first described by Rudolf Birch in 1863. It is also known as Mildly resulting in the term secondary lymphoma. In the last few years with genetic tendency for lymphoma but didn’t have it in childhood but who had trauma or surgery and developed it later in life, which is a primary lymphoma patient with secondary causes Lymphoma is something I have come well familiar with due to my boyfriend has primary Lymphatic. He was diagnosed -in 2007 but for 4 years believe with all the research taking place now there will be a cure or an evolution in Thank you all for you time if you have any questions I will answer to the best of my ability and I also have websites and some brochures about the condition How to cite Lymphedema, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
This Is Just A Trick Essay Research free essay sample
This Is Merely A Trick! Essay, Research Paper The History of a Hobgoblin hypertext transfer protocol: // One of the most popular characters in English folklore of the last thousand old ages has been the fairy, hob, Satan or elf known by the name of Puck or Robin Goodfellow. The Welsh called him Pwca, which is pronounced the same as his Irish embodiment Phouka, Pooka or Puca. These are far from his lone names. Parallel words exist in many antediluvian linguistic communications # 8211 ; puca in Old English, puki in Old Norse, rotter in Swedish, puge in Danish, puks in Low German, pukis in Latvia and Lithuania # 8212 ; largely with the original significance of a devil, Satan or immorality and malignant spirit # 8230 ; Because of this similarity it is unsure whether the original puca sprang from the inventive heads of the Scandinavians, the Germans or the Irish. -Gillian Edwards, Hobgoblin and Sweet Puck p. We will write a custom essay sample on This Is Just A Trick Essay Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 143 Indeed, Pouk was a typical mediaeval term for the Satan. For illustration, Langland one time called Hell # 8220 ; Pouk # 8217 ; s Pinfold. # 8221 ; And the Phouka was sometimes pictured as a awful animal with the caput of an buttocks. Truly a Satan to lay eyes on. The Welsh Pwca besides did non fit our modern construct of delicacy tinkerbell faeries. Harmonizing to Louise Imogen Guiney, a provincial drew the Pwca as # 8220 ; a fagot small figure, long and grotesque, and looked something like a poulet half out of his shell # 8221 ; . As a shape-shifter, Puck has had many visual aspects over the old ages. He # 8217 ; s been in the signifier of animate beings, like how the Phouka can go a Equus caballus, bird of Jove or buttocks. He # 8217 ; s been a unsmooth, haired animal in many versions. One Irish narrative has him as an old adult male. He # 8217 ; s been pictured like a Brownie or a hobbit. In some pictures, he looks like Pan from Greek mythology. In others he looks like an guiltless kid. And a modern sketch show portrays him as a silver-haired hob. Puck used his shape-shifting to do mischievousness. For illustration, the Phouka would turn into a Equus caballus and lead people on a wild drive, sometimes dumping them in H2O. The Welsh Pwca would take travels with a lantern and so blow it out when they were at the border of a drop. Bing misled by a Puck ( sometimes the legends speak of Pucks, Pookas and Robin Goodfellows in the plural ) was known in the Midlands as being # 8220 ; pouk-ledden. # 8221 ; That # 8217 ; s a batch like the phrase Pixy-led, which described a similar action on the portion of the Somerset fairies known as elfs. Some believe the term Pixy is derived from Puck. Yet another look for being lost is # 8220 ; Robin Goodfellow has been with you tonight. # 8221 ; There # 8217 ; s a mention to this at least every bit early as 1531. Robin Goodfellow is one of the fairies known as hobgoblins or merely goblin. Hob is a short signifier for the name Robin or Robert ( # 8221 ; the hob named Robin # 8221 ; . ) Robin itself was a mediaeval moniker for the Satan. Robin Goodfellow was non merely celebrated for shape-shifting and deceptive travelers. He was besides a helpful domestic sprite much like the Brownies. He would clean houses and such in exchange for some pick or milk. If offered new apparels, he # 8217 ; d halt cleansing. There are narratives of the Phouka and Pwca making similar workss. Ironically, Reginald Scot wrote in 1584 that belief in Robin Goodfellow was non every bit strong as it had been a century earlier. In fact, Robin was about to acquire some large interruptions in Renaissance show concern. There # 8217 ; s a record for a Robin Goodfellow lay in 1588. And a little less than a decennary subsequently, William Shakespeare gave his Puck the name and nature of the more benevolent Robin Goodfellow. However, Shakespeare # 8217 ; s Puck is more closely tied to the faery tribunal than most Robin goodfellows or Robin Goodfellows. Here # 8217 ; s a long citation from A Midsummer Night # 8217 ; s Dream. It # 8217 ; s from a meeting between Puck and one of Titania # 8217 ; s faeries. I think it sums up Robin Goodfellow # 8217 ; s nature better than I could. Fairy Either I mistake your form and doing rather, Or else you are that shrewd and knavish fairy Called Robin Goodfellow. Are non you he That frights the maidens of the villagery, Skim milk, and sometimes labor in the quern, And bootless make the breathless homemaker churn, And sometime do the drink to bear no yeast, Mislead night-wanders, express joying at their injury? Those that Hobgoblin call you, and sweet Puck, You do their work, and they shall hold good fortune. Are you non he? Puck Thou speakest aright ; I am that merry roamer of the dark. I jest to Oberon, and do him smile When I a fat and bean-fed Equus caballus beguile, Neighing in similitude of a filly foal ; And sometime lurk I in a chitchat # 8217 ; s bowl In really similitude of a roasted crab, And when she drinks, against her lips I bob And on her shriveled dewlap pour the ale. The wisest aunt, stating the saddest narrative, Sometime for three-foot stool mistaketh me ; Then faux pas I from her rotter, down topples she, And # 8216 ; seamster # 8217 ; calls, and falls into a cough ; And so the whole quire hold their hips and laugh, And waxen in their hilarity, and neeze, and curse A merrier hr was neer wasted at that place. # 8211 ; A Midsummer Night # 8217 ; s Dream, Act II, scene I Having Shakespeare as a publicizer surely did non ache Puck or Robin Goodfellow # 8217 ; s calling. Prior to Shakespeare, who may hold been influenced by the Welsh Pwca, Puck and Robin Goodfellow were considered separate animals. Now they are considered the same animal. Robin Goodfellow appeared in more dramas around 1600. And there were many seventeenth century circular laies about him. Click here to see two of these laies. In these laies, Robin Goodfellow is the boy of Oberon, the faery male monarch, and a mortal adult female. He pulls buffooneries, shape-shifts into assorted animate beings and the foolish fire known as the Will O # 8217 ; The Wisp, gets into problem and does the sort of thing described in Shakespeare # 8217 ; s drama. Robin # 8217 ; s brand laugh is # 8220 ; Ho Ho Ho! # 8221 ; One 1628 lay vocal may hold written by Shakespeare # 8217 ; s imbibing brother, the great Jacobean ( in the reign of James I, the male monarch after Elizabeth I ) playwright Ben Jonson. And Ben Jonson surely knew his pranksters. The Puck-Hairy or Robin-Goodfellow is a character in his unfinished Robin Hood drama, The Sad Shepherd. There may be a connexion between Robin Hood and Robin Goodfellow. Many Pagans feel Robin Hood was originally a fairy or Pagan God. I think that instance is overstated, as there is small charming in the earliest Robin Hood narratives. But still, the two Robin have some things in common. Both had a preference for giving travelers a difficult clip. Puck was a shape-shifter, and Robin Hood a maestro of camouflage. And Gillian Edwards notes that the Goodfellow in Robin Goodfellow # 8217 ; s name could either intend a blessing comrade or stealer. # 8220 ; If you were one of Hood # 8217 ; s ar chers and looked upon him as a blessing comrade, or the Sheriff of Nottingham and pursued him as a stealer, you might see him every bit well-named Robin Goodfellow.†Since the Robin Goodfellow laies appear subsequently than the Robin Hood 1s, it’s possible that the fairy may hold taken his name from the criminal  non the other manner around. Even though after Shakespeare fairies seemed more delicacy and unoffending than their heroic or diabolic medieval signifiers, Puck and Robin Goodfellow still had their critics. Puritans, like Robert Burton, felt faeries were Satans, including # 8220 ; Hobgoblins, A ; Robin Goodfellows # 8221 ; . In his Anatomy of Melancholy, Burton writes # 8220 ; Terrestrial Satans, are those Lares, Genii, Faunes, Satyrs, Wood-nymphs, Foliots, Fairies, Robin Goodfellowes, Trulli, etc. which as they are most familiar with work forces, so they do them most harme. # 8221 ; ( Quoted in A Dictionary of Fairies by Katharine Briggs, p.53 ) But the hobgoblin so despised by seventeenth century Puritans became a much-beloved figure in kids # 8217 ; s literature in our ain century thanks to Rudyard Kipling. Two English kids, Dan and Una, were executing a simplified version of A Midsummer Night # 8217 ; s Dream, when Puck, the last of the People of the Hills ( he is offended by the term, faery ) appeared before them. Kipling used to play A Midsummer Night # 8217 ; s Dream with his ain kids. In a series of popular narratives collected in Puck of Pook # 8217 ; s Hill ( 1906 ) and Rewards and Fairies ( 1910 ) , Puck delighted Dan and Una with narratives, and visitants, from England # 8217 ; s yesteryear. Kipling # 8217 ; s Puck was really critical of the common image of faeries at the beginning of the twentieth century, which Puck said were made up things. # 8220 ; Can you inquire that the People of the Hills Don # 8217 ; t care to be confused with that painty-winged, wand-waving, sugar-and-shake-your-head set of imposters? Butterfly wings, so! # 8221 ; This Puck was # 8220 ; the oldest Old Thing in England # 8221 ; and immune to many of the traditional faery failings. # 8216 ; By Oak, Ash and Thorn, # 8217 ; cried Puck, taking off his bluish cap, # 8216 ; I like you excessively. Sprinkle plentifulness of salt on the biscuit, Dan, and I # 8217 ; ll eat it with you. That # 8217 ; ll demo you the kind of individual I am. Some of us # 8217 ; # 8212 ; he went on, with his oral cavity full # 8212 ; # 8216 ; couldn # 8217 ; t abide Salt, or Horse-shoes over a door, or Mountain-ash berries, or Runing Water, or Cold Iron, or the sound of Church bells. But I # 8217 ; m Puck! # 8217 ; Puck continues to start up in popular civilization. For illustration, the six-foot tall unseeable coney in the authoritative Jimmy Stewart movie Harvey is said to be a Pooka. And if being a film star ( albeit an unseeable one ) didn # 8217 ; t give Puck a big caput, holding a Moon named after him must hold. The 10th Moon of Uranus was discovered in 1985. It # 8217 ; s named Puck. Jacky Rowan, the heroine of Canadian writer Charles de Lint # 8217 ; s modern-day phantasy novel, Jack the Giant-Killer is referred to as a Puck. And in the subsequence, Drink Down the Moon, we meet Jemi Pook, a immature female Sax participant, who is the newest Pook of Puxill, the Faerie kingdom which overlaps the Ottawa-area Vincent Massey Park. One of the characters, observing the similarity to Kipling # 8217 ; s book, wondered which had come foremost. ( These novels are collected in Jack of Kinrowan. ) The Shakespearean Puck was sighted in de Lint # 8217 ; s fictional metropolis of Newford, in the short narrative aggregation The Ivory and the Horn. The connexion with Robin Hood is still strong. Robin goodfellow shows up as a silent and deep figure in Clayton Emery # 8217 ; s 1988 fresh Tales of Robin Hood. And in Parke Godwin # 8217 ; s Sherwood, Robin takes his name from the forest fairy. His female parent even calls him Puck-Robin. One of the alien Pucks has been Eugene Milton Judd aka Puck, a member of the Canadian superhero squad Alpha Flight. This crusty yet good-natured former soldier of fortune is named for both the Shakespearean elf and the hockey Puck. His acrobat stunts fit both types of Pucks. But whoever could of all time see the Puck of fable with the pugilist # 8217 ; s cauliflower ear that the Marvel Comics # 8217 ; Puck has? A more fabulous Puck has appeared in DC Comics/Vertigo # 8217 ; s dark fantasy series The Sandman. His first visual aspect is in issue 19, where he and the other existent fairies are invited to go to the first public presentation of A Midsummer Night # 8217 ; s Dream. With a hedgehog-like visual aspect, this Puck has some of the darker elements of the fable. For illustration, upon hearing the Shakespearian transition quoted above, the existent Peaseblossom remarks, # 8220 ; # 8216 ; I am that merry roamer of the dark # 8217 ; ? I am that giggling-dangerous-totally-bloody-psychotic-menance-to-life and limb, more like it. # 8221 ; At the terminal of the amusing, the fairies prepared to the depart the mortal kingdom for good. Auberon asks Puck to travel rapidly along. What, leave, my Godhead? When there are persons to confusticate and annoy? Travel you all. Your Puck will remain # 8212 ; the last hobgoblin in a drab universe. Ho ho Ho! # 8211 ; Neil Gaiman, Sandman # 19, A Midsummer Night # 8217 ; s Dream. That issue was the first and merely amusing book to win the World Fantasy Award for Best Short Story. It was much deserved, and Puck made farther visual aspects in the amusing series. Puck is besides a repeating character in the Disney sketch Gargoyles. The function is voiced by Brent Spiner ( Data on Star Trek: The Following Generation ) with the appropriate humor and irony. This Puck besides has a secret individuality for most of the series as the corporate bad cat # 8217 ; s faithful retainer, voiced wonderfully by Jeff Bennett. As Puck observes of all the parts a prankster has played, neer earlier has he been the consecutive adult male. The Disney Puck has a surprisingly big fan following. There are many web sites dedicated to the prankster and his prosaic alter self-importance, Owen. Some of them are churches. A church to Puck? I wonder what the Puritans would hold thought. Puck or Robin Goodfellow has had a long and colorful yesteryear. And judging from his recent visual aspects, he has a long and colorful future in front of him excessively. The undermentioned books were a great aid in composing this page. Briggs, Katharine, A Dictionary of Fairies, Penguin Books, London, 1977. Edwards, Gillian, Hobgoblin and Sweet Puck, Bles, London, 1974. Guiney, Louise Imogen, Brownies and Bogles, D. Lothrop Company, Boston, 1888. ( C ) Text Copyright 1997 Allen W. Wright # 8220 ; The Welsh Puck # 8221 ; and # 8220 ; The Irish Pooka # 8221 ; are by Edmund H. Garrett and look in Louise Imogen Guiney # 8217 ; s 1888 book, Brownies and Bogles. Woodcut Images are taken from assorted aggregations of old English laies. Puck ( C ) Marvel Characters, Inc. 1997, art by Scott Clark Puck ( C ) DC Comics Inc. 1997, art by Charles Vess Robin goodfellow from Gargoyles ( C ) BuenaVista Television, 1997. The usage of the images from DC and Marvel Comics and Disney are in no manner intended to conflict on their right of first publication of the graphics. They are used without permission for intents of reappraisal or remark under the # 8220 ; fair use # 8221 ; commissariats. This page is in no manner affiliated with those companies.
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